Strolling Through The Ringling

Photo of Ringling Museum
The exterior of the Ringling Museum, Sarasota, Florida.

We had a superb visit to the Ringling Museum in Sarasota, Florida. It was a perfect day to enjoy the grounds. In the central museum courtyard are enormous terra cotta pots with bougainvillea as the only color spots- and nothing more is needed. Classic and simple, and I wanted to live there! Although if I did live there, I would add lemon trees. Then nothing more would be needed.

Please Touch the Plants

Photos of plantsWalking though your garden can be a wonderful tactile experience.

Like a cashmere sweater or a fuzzy fleece in a clothing store, it’s almost impossible for me to walk past these plants without touching them. Even prickly things, like the center of a coneflower, make me want to connect. (“Let me see if I can touch it so softly that it doesn’t hurt!”)

We’re always focused on how a garden looks, especially when we’re perusing beautiful photos, but when we’re in the physical space, the smells, sounds, textures and even tastes elevate our experience to another level.

American Wisteria is the Best Choice

Photo of Wisteria frutescens
American Wisteria won’t pull your porch down.

We planted this Wisteria frutescens at the corner of my neighbor’s porch about 5 years ago. It is such a gorgeous and reliable bloomer. If the idea of Wisteria makes you nervous, just be sure to select the American variety. It doesn’t get nearly as big as the Asian varieties and won’t end up pulling down your structures over time.