Rock Spring Park

Several times a week I jog through Rock Spring Park, one of our wonderful green spaces here in Arlington. There’s always something to stop and admire, whether it be blooms, new green growth, ducks in the water, or someone’s adorable canine pal out for a walk. In addition to Arlington Parks & Rec, a lot of volunteers make sure the park stays healthy, and I appreciate them every time I go through. And if you have part-shade in your garden, you can be sure that anything thriving here in deer territory will do well at your house, too.

2018 Arlington Home Show & Garden Expo

Photo of Arlington Garden Expo Garden

I had such a good time at the 2018 Arlington Home Show & Garden Expo yesterday. Thank you to Tony Weaver and Karen Olson Weaver for such a fun day together, to Design Distillery for the gorgeous Fermob furniture, and to everyone who stopped by to talk about their gardens. It was a great way to start the season and we look forward to working with some of the great homeowners we met. Happy Spring, everyone! (Here’s a guide to find these elements or get a similar look.)

American Wisteria is the Best Choice

Photo of Wisteria frutescens
American Wisteria won’t pull your porch down.

We planted this Wisteria frutescens at the corner of my neighbor’s porch about 5 years ago. It is such a gorgeous and reliable bloomer. If the idea of Wisteria makes you nervous, just be sure to select the American variety. It doesn’t get nearly as big as the Asian varieties and won’t end up pulling down your structures over time.

Covering ground with Euphorbia

Photo of Euphorbia
Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae is a great evergreen groundcover.

I’ve posted pictures of this Euphorbia (Wood Spurge) before, but since it’s flowering right now, I ran out after a rain shower and took another photo. This is such a great groundcover. It’s evergreen and it spreads to cover more area, but it’s very easy to pull out if you think it’s getting unruly. Check out this article from Fine Gardening to see some commonly available varieties.