Groundcover for Charm and Function

So-called “steppable” groundcovers are widely available at garden centers. These are plants that can be walked over without significant damage. They’re great for filling areas along walkways and they add so much charm. Mazus reptans is one of the most common. As you can see, it will definitely do the job!

So much beauty everywhere!

Everywhere I look, things are blooming and thriving. I have so many beautiful photos that I thought I’d just post a gallery. Our rainy May is really paying off, but hot dry weather is coming- don’t forget to water!

Perfect Peonies

Few flowers are as stunning as peonies. And when I see them I want to make tissue paper flowers! Many are blooming around the DC area already. If yours (like mine) are only in part sun, they are probably still in buds.

Don’t forget to pick them and enjoy them in a bouquet if you have them in your garden!