Growing Fall Veggies

Well, I’ve eaten thousands of cherry tomatoes this summer, not to mention a few jalapeño peppers and cucumbers. Now I’m taking advantage of the Mid-Atlantic fall weather to grow some lettuce, spinach, beets, Swiss Chard, and scallions before a hard frost hits us. I figure I’ve got a couple months of salads to enjoy. I should have started a few weeks earlier, but I’m still feeling good about it!


What’s in your garden?

Veggie Report

My tomatoes are certainly thriving. As always, my favorites are the Sungold variety. They are so sweet and perfectly bite-sized. I was worried about critters getting to them when the plants were small, but we’re well past that now. However, I do see evidence of my chipmunks having a little snack most mornings.They don’t seem to like the skin much. I wish I could catch one in the act- just to take a photo, of course.