Are you happy with your garden?
It’s hard to think about the outdoors when the weather keeps us inside, but it’s time to plan for spring! What do you want to do this year? Are you ready to make your garden exceptional? Does it even feel possible? Sometimes when we’ve been staring at the same thing for too long, it’s hard to imagine the possibilities anymore. That’s where a designer comes in- I’m here to help you see and realize the potential in your property.
Here are some common things that people want to do when they contact me:
- Add some native plants that bring beauty to their property and a benefit to the natural world around us;
- Create a bug-free zone by adding a screened porch (yes, structures are a big part of my design work);
- Design a new activity area for lounging, cooking, or play;
- Tackle a problem area in the garden, like invasive bamboo or a soggy spot;
- Add some container plantings for easy seasonal color accents;
- Install some irrigation so you don’t have to stress when the temperatures are hitting the high 90s for weeks on end;
- Add a swim spa or a plunge pool.
Does any of this strike a chord with you? Maybe all of it?! I can’t emphasize enough that making your garden exceptional will add so much beauty and joy to your life- and we can always use more of both. Get in touch and let’s work on it together.